
NaNoWriMo 2015 - Yokov and Snorer Part 3

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Literature Text

It took the two of them longer than anticipated to find a suitable place to camp. Yokov had wanted someplace that could be used defensibly, preferably with a rock or cliff face that they could be back against to make it more difficult for someone to sneak up behind them. It was nearly dark by the time they came to a bend in the road that was necessary because a huge rock formation was jutting out where the road would have gone straight. It was formations like this one that made the stories of a great Gods’ War seem reasonable.

The rock in question was larger than Yokov’s house and it really did look like it had been thrown down with force, the dirt was raised around it from the power of its decent back to the ground. Who knew how deep it was in there but it was solidly part of the landscape now. Yokov declared it to be the best camping place to be found and they set up their camp against the flattest side. They didn’t have a view of the road but they were both more concerned about what might come out of the trees than what would come from either direction on the road. Yokov secured the horses and made sure they had water and browse while Snorer dealt with their sleeping areas. Snorer was perfectly content with his task and managed to find flat and soft areas for both their sleep rolls. Their dinner was cold but still edible and Snorer volunteered to take first watch, which Yokov was more than agreeable to. “All right, Snorer, wake me up at moon zenith and I will watch from there.”

Snorer leaned against the rock, his sword sheathed but on his lap and easily available, and watched out into the forest, alert for any unusual noise or movement. He heard Yokov’s breathing shift, indicating that the man had fallen asleep. Snorer was always amazed at how fast his master could drop off to sleep, sometimes in what looked like impossibly uncomfortable positions. He knew from experience that Yokov could even sleep in the saddle if he had the opportunity. Snorer smiled fondly, remembering the long periods of travel where his master trusted him enough to fall asleep, knowing full well that his Transformed mount would understand verbal direction and get him where he needed to be. Snorer did wish that they had a fire, for he wanted to look at the tapestry again. He felt it between his skin and his shirt and it nagged at him. He determinedly looked out toward the woods. Nothing to do about it now, the moon wasn’t bright enough to look at details.

Snorer suddenly saw movement in front of him and he went completely still. He squinted, wishing he still had the night vision he had as a horse. Whatever it was, it was large. A deer perhaps? He watched the dark shadow move. It was definitely something on four legs but Snorer was having a hard time determining what the head looked like through the trees and bushes. Whatever it was it was bigger than most horses and the neck was incredibly long and thick. Were there antlers? He couldn’t determine but it definitely had something extra sticking out of the head area. He was tempted to pull out his bow and shoot it but thought better of it since they didn’t have any way of carrying fresh meat, nor any way of cooking it since they’d decided not to have a fire. The beast moved slowly but it didn’t come closer to their location so Snorer simply watched it pass on through the forest. After it was gone he noticed that the forest came alive again, as if the passing of the larger creature had made everything else too nervous to make a noise. Interesting. Usually only humans or large predators caused that kind of reaction, not four legged grazers like deer. Snorer looked the way the creature had gone, determined to tell his master about it and see if he could discover what the creature had been.

Yokov grumbled only a little when he felt a hand shaking him awake. He looked up at Snorer and then yawned, “Zenith already?”

“Aye, master. Nothing to report except a large deer sized creature that passed by early in the night.”

“Deer sized, but not a deer?”

“I don’t really know. I couldn’t tell in the dark, it was just a little too far away. Perhaps you can determine what it was in the morning?” Snorer yawned and looked at his master sleepily.

“All right. I will. You get some sleep, Snorer, you look half dead.”

Snorer nodded and settled into his sleep roll while Yokov positioned himself to watch the forest, weapons close by so he would be ready for anything.


The sun rose slowly and Yokov watched the sky go from black to purple to a faint orange pink as Oraedion’s Day eye started peeking over the desert. Snorer had been in fine form all night and there hadn’t been so much as a rustle from the forest inhabitants once the tall man was fully asleep. Yokov pondered that it actually made it easy to keep watch when that kind of noise was happening right next to you. Over time he had learned to sleep through the racket, though it was more difficult if Snorer fell asleep first. Of course Yokov did manage to get naps during the day as well to make up for any lost sleep so it worked out fine. Today was going to be a challenge though, his horse wasn’t the type that would just keep going if he drifted off. Perhaps they’d find a place in Sun Eye to settle before zenith and be able to turn in early. That would be perfect. What would be even more perfect would be if a tavern existed there as well. Yokov groaned and leaned against the rock and looked over at the horses. They looked content and well rested so obviously the mysterious creature that had passed last night hadn’t disturbed their rest. Snorer turned over with a groan as his snoring ceased and Yokov chuckled. Good, he wouldn’t have to wake the man up. Yokov started digging through their packs to find something to eat before they headed up the road again.

“Master?” Snorer mumbled and squinted at Yokov. “Did anything else show up?”

“No, you scared most everything in the forest away while you slept.” Yokov smirked at him.

Snorer grumbled and stretched. “Sorry. Guess I need to find a healer or a mage that can help fix that problem.”

Yokov laughed, “But if you did then you would most certainly have to change your name and that would be inconvenient.” He handed Snorer his canteen and some food. “It is fine, I am accustomed to it. It lets me know you are still breathing and if it scares off the animals then there is less chance of them stealing our food.”

Snorer stared at his master then shook his head and chuckled as he took what Yokov offered, “All right. Thank you, master.”

“Where did you see the beast last night?” Yokov started packing up his bedroll and other supplies as Snorer ate.

“Over there.” The white haired man pointed toward a thick brushy area. “It walked from there heading north. It wasn’t going toward the road and it didn’t seem to make any notice of us. I lost sight of it just beyond that large tree.”

“Hmmmm. All right. I will go see what I can find while you finish packing up and checking on the horses.” Yokov got up and headed toward the area that Snorer had indicated. Snorer watched for a bit as the blond man carefully worked his way through the tall grass to the spot where Snorer had seen the creature. The tracker stood there with his hands on his hips for a long moment, then slowly walked the same way Snorer remembered. He had obviously found a trail of some sort. Snorer went about his work, confident that his master would figure out what he had seen. The packing was finished and the horses were fed oats and given water by the time Yokov made his careful way back.

Snorer raised an eyebrow in curiosity, “Did you figure out what it was?”

Yokov was looking back at the trail and looking thoughtful, “It was not a deer. If I was to go by just the tracks I would say horse, those were definitely hoof tracks in the grass.”

The former transformed frowned, “But the neck was all wrong and the head didn’t match a horse.”

“Aye, I remember how you described it.” Yokov looked puzzled. “There is one other thing troubling me about it, horses do not carry knives.”

“Knives? How do you know there was a knife?”

“Some of the branches were cut very cleanly, as if making way for a large beast. It was a horse and there was a rider.” Yokov got up on his own horse quickly. “It is looking more and more like we are dealing with bandits. Bandits with large war horses if the size of those hooves are any indication. This does not bode well for our assignment, Snorer.”

“But we weren’t attacked last night . . . surely if there was a man he would have seen our horses tied close to the rock.” Snorer’s eyebrows met in consternation as he pulled himself up into the saddle of his horse.

“Perhaps. It could have been a scout, someone keeping track of our movements until we reach an area that we can be ambushed in.” Yokov pulled out his knife and made sure his sword scabbard was free so he could pull out his sword freely. “We must prepare for the worst, Snorer, and hope for the best. Let us be off and hope they decide to be polite and ambush us after we find a pub.” He smirked and winked.

Snorer snorted in amusement, “We can only hope. An ambush is far easier to face after a good pint of ale.”

“Pffft. A pint is just to wet the whistle! For a full bandit ambush we shall need three at least!” Yokov laughed heartily, his good temper fully returned although his alertness hadn’t diminished.

Snorer chuckled and followed his master back onto the road and north toward an unknown fate. Whatever or whoever came after them, if they did, Snorer was going to make sure that nothing happened to Yokov. Snorer had nothing but the blond man and he certainly wasn’t going to let a bunch of bandits take that one person away from him without a fight.  The former Transformed kept his eyes ahead and behind them on the road as Yokov kept his eyes on the sides, both of them determined not be taken by surprise.


Arriving at Sun Eye was a very different experience from their arrival at Fellfar. There was no one on the street, although both of them could see and feel eyes on them from behind doors and windows. Yokov frowned at the emptiness of the town, though the sight of the pub made him smile in anticipation.

Snorer glanced around nervously. The people hiding and spying on them made him edgy. “What do we do, master? We can’t do what you did in Fellfar.”

“We cannot, but there is the pub. I do not think it is empty by the look of the people peering out of the door.” He indicated the building with a nod of his head.  “We will go in there and see if we can get some information.”

“I don’t like the idea that everyone is hiding. We don’t look that threatening, do we?”

Yokov laughed, “Snorer, we are armed and on horses. That already marks us as either military in some form or rich. Hopefully we do not look like the bandits.” He patted his badge. “That is what this and all those official papers I have been carrying around with me are for. We will convince people that we are here to help.” Yokov looked relaxed and confident but Snorer could see his dark turquois eyes shifting nervously around to see if there was anyone looking like they were going to come for them.

“I suppose that is true.” Snorer was fully alert as well but he didn’t see anything or anyone he could identify as a threat. Yet.

Yokov headed toward what looked like a stable. After a great deal of searching they found the man in charge and managed to convince him that they were harmless and paying customers. Yokov paid far more than he expected but most of that was just to calm the man’s nerves and it was still less that he would have paid in the Capital or even in one of the larger cities. After both men were satisfied that their horses and belongings were in safe hands they casually made their way toward the pub. Yokov carried his satchel and was visibly armed, as was Snorer. Snorer took the position of bodyguard, making it obvious that he was responsible for Yokov’s safety and giving the correct impression that Yokov was a person of importance.

“You are hovering, Snorer.”

“I’m guarding your back, Master.”

Yokov sighed, “You need not look like you will run anyone through who tries to talk to me. We need to look approachable.”

“I’m sorry but this place is making me jumpy. I don’t like people hiding. I makes me think they’re up to something. I would rather they think twice before they try to harm you.”

A chuckle escaped from Yokov, “You are worrying too much. If they had wanted to try something I would think it would have happened at the stable. Relax, Snorer. Everything will be fine and we will have a good drink at the pub and get the information that we need.  These people are on edge and we need to find out why so that the King can help.”

Snorer visibly relaxed but he was still prepared for anything as they entered the pub, named Eye Full with the sign showing an eye with a buxom woman impossibly lounging inside it holding a stein. The pub was incredibly crowded and every head turned in surprise as the two strangers entered. The stares continued as Yokov sauntered up to the bar and ordered drinks for both himself and Snorer. The man and woman behind the bar stared for a moment at the two of them, studying them curiously then going about their business. Two steins appeared in front of Yokov and he slid one toward Snorer with a smile as he paid, “Go on. Remember what I said on the road.” He winked and took an experimental sip, then downed the drink happily. “Ah! That is exactly what I needed.” He smiled at the bar keeper who was still studying the coins Yokov had given him. “Another, if you please? In fact . . .” He slid more coins toward the confused man in front of him. “Just keep them coming as we finish.”

The aproned man finally found his voice as he stammered out, “Sir . . . I . . . this is far more than you will owe . . . even if I refill . . .”

Yokov beamed and made an expansive gesture, “Is it enough for one for everyone in here?”

“Oh! Aye! More than enough for that and yours.” The man continued to stare in disbelief at Yokov, like the blond in front of him had grown two sets of eyeballs and ears the size of turrets.

“Then I am paying for one for everyone!” Yokov said it loud enough that all the patrons would hear. “Drink up and enjoy for I am in a generous mood this evening!” He laughed and grabbed the second stein and took a generous swig.

Snorer watched the others in the bar process the information from the visitor, all of them displaying varying degrees of surprise and disbelief. Finally the realization that a free drink was available sunk in and the noise increased in the tavern as the orders started. Snorer shook his head in amusement but he didn’t smile. This could either be good or bad. They had definitely earned a bit of gratitude from the patrons but they had also made it clear that they were carrying a good deal of money. He wondered if there would be any theft attempts later when they were about to leave. Snorer made an effort to look as though he was drinking as much as Yokov while actually drinking very little. It was a trick he’d been using since he’d gone out drinking with Yokov the first time, though he didn’t know where he’d learned it. It was easy to act drunk and relaxed but Snorer didn’t like the idea of being actually drunk and incapable of dealing with any emergency that might arise. Especially in this place with everyone still staring at them suspiciously.

Yokov started to attempt to engage the people near him in conversation. The man just down the bar from him finally unbent enough to start talking. Snorer kept an ear out on his side to see if he could learn anything else. He didn’t feel like talking to anyone and the stares he was getting made him self-conscious. It wasn’t his fault he was tall with striking white hair. He supposed it might be better if he’d pulled his curly mop back in a tail but he still liked the feel of his hair falling around his face and neck. It was comforting for some reason that he couldn’t explain. There was nothing but hushed conversation on his side so he started paying attention to the conversation that Yokov was having with the man from Sun Eye.

“Yes, I came by way of Fellfar. They told us that nothing has been coming from the north and they were becoming concerned.” Yokov nodded in a friendly way and smiled his disarming smile, looking fully relaxed and like he was enjoying himself.

“There ain’t nothin’ south o’here worth anything. Doumerlas is a lost cause, ‘specially now that it’s the new Capital.” The man took a drink and gave Yokov a look of disgust.

“Oh? What makes you say that?” Yokov cocked his head, still looking very amiable and open to hear what the man had to say about the matter.

“The new High King is why. I’ve heard tell he’s a real piece of work. Not to be trusted and vengeful. Probably ready to send a full military force to try and start collectin’ them high taxes again. And he ain’t done nothin’ for the problems WE’VE been havin’.”

Yokov took a drink and smiled, “Oh, I do not think he is bad as all that. He has had his moments, no question, but he is better than Gaetan from all that I have heard.”

“Ha! He took Gaetan’s title so he can’t be all that great.” The man bent down and his voice became a conspiratorial whisper that made Snorer have to strain to hear him. “I heard he married a peasant just so he could have access to her family horse ranch.”

“Oh? Is that so?” Yokov took a drink but his face had become deadpan. Snorer winced, hoping this wasn’t going to go where it looked. Yokov was fine when it came to people bad mouthing the High King, he would say that everyone was entitled to their opinion of their ruler, but if anyone started in on Her Majesty in Yokov’s presence then things would start to get ugly.

The man was oblivious to Yokov’s sudden change in demeanor and continued, “Yeah . . . and they say she’s a sorceress and that she’s just pretty because she’s usin’ magic. She’s also a complete whor . . .” The man didn’t get any farther because he was suddenly silenced by a surprisingly quick fist to the face.

Yokov pulled his fist back toward himself and looked down at the prone man who was holding his jaw in shock. “I suggest you rethink that next sentence. I happen to know the Queen personally and she is none of those things.” He stood up, his eyes narrowed in repressed fury. “I am taking offense for her. I expect an apology or I will make sure the authorities know exactly what you have said, after I punish you for your disrespect of our Queen.”

The silence that had descended upon the Tavern was deafening. Snorer stood quickly and assessed the situation. The man Yokov had been talking to apparently had a few friends who stood and started coming toward Yokov and the prone man. Snorer took count and he felt a smile crawl across his face. Easily dealt with if they tried anything but he’d give Yokov a chance to talk his way out first, if Yokov was still feeling like negotiating. His master could be rather irrational when it came to Her Majesty.

“Yer one of the King’s men, ain’t ya?” The man Yokov had hit struggled to his feet with the help of one of his compatriots as other patrons of the tavern started backing away from the group gathering.

“I never said I was not. I am Agent Yokov Dell of the High King and, again, I respectfully request that you apologize for your words about Her Majesty.” Yokov stood with no fear in front of the man.

“Your request can go to the hell Gaetan was sent to. I ain’t gonna do any such thing, lackey!” The man lunged at Yokov with a knife that had been handed to him by one of his compatriots.

Yokov braced himself for the impact, readying to block the attack but the man was suddenly grabbed and spun around by what looked like a white tornado. Yokov raised an eyebrow and looked at Snorer in surprise, but the taller man wasn’t paying any attention to him. Snorer’s attention was on the five men who had positioned themselves around them and on the man he now held in a firm grip. Snorer had somehow disarmed the attacker and held the taken knife to the now terrified man’s neck.

The former Transformed voice was low and as icy as a deep winter day when he finally spoke, “You harm one hair on Agent Dell’s head and I will personally gut you and make you eat your own intestines until you choke to death while your compatriots watch.” He hissed in his captive’s ear. “Have I made myself perfectly clear?”

“Ye . . . yessir . . .”

“Good. Now, apologize for what you said about Her Majesty.”

“I . . . I’m . . . sor . . .”

“I don’t think everyone can hear you.” Snorer held the knife close enough to the man’s neck that it was starting to cut. “And tell your friends to back off.”

“Get BACK! All of you!” The man looked petrified, like he’d never been threatened with death in his life and he truly believed Snorer capable of everything he threatened. Yokov was starting to believe it too, he’d never seen Snorer look so coldly angry. He really did look like he was about to commit murder if he didn’t hear what he wanted hear. The held man continued loudly, “I’m sorry I insulted Her Illustrious Majesty! I misspoke! I’ll not do it again!”

Snorer gave Yokov questioning look, still holding the knife to the man’s neck and there was visible blood now, “Master? Is that sufficient?”

“Yes! Yes, Snorer! Let him go!” Yokov couldn’t believe this was happening and he really didn’t want to have to explain to the Captain how Snorer had killed a civilian in cold blood. “All is forgiven!”

“You heard the man. My master has a very kind heart and is very forgiving.” Snorer gritted his teeth and hissed again in a voice Yokov had never heard from the taller man but it made him shudder, “I, however, will not forget you or your friends and if any of you try anything against my master or myself you will not live very long after. Understood?”

The man nodded violently, eyes wide with fear. Yokov wouldn’t have been surprised if the man had lost control of his bladder under those conditions. Snorer was being uncharacteristically terrifying and it wasn’t something Yokov wanted to see again. Snorer looked satisfied and let go of the man, practically throwing him into the arms of one of the other men waiting. The white haired man snarled at man with the bleeding neck. “Go. And don’t show your ugly face to either of us for the time we are here.”

Yokov’s attempted attacker and his friends all made a hasty retreat to the outside, nearly running each other over in their eagerness to leave. Snorer stood, towering over the rest of the people in the tavern and finally making them aware of his full size, as if daring anyone else to attempt anything. He then returned calmly to the bar to take a drink from his stein while Yokov stared at him in disbelief.

Yokov shook off his shock and joined Snorer at the bar, “That was . . . probably a bit much.”

“Was it? They left and you’re unharmed, I think it was just about right.” Snorer’s mouth twitched suspiciously, like he was trying to keep from grinning.

“We are not going to get any information from anyone at this rate. I am afraid you may have frightened everyone.” Yokov was grateful but he really didn’t like resorting to threats of murder. He sighed in frustration and took a drink from his own stein. “Besides, I had it under control.”

“Yes, I’m sure you did, Master. I just decided to be the muscle in this case. That way, I’m the scary one, not you.” Snorer turned and Yokov could see the thinly disguised smirk on the taller man’s face.

Yokov narrowed his eyes at Snorer and then choked back a laugh, shaking his head. “Fine. All right. I forgive you for stepping in. Next time though, give me a bit of warning will you?”

“I wasn’t the one who hauled off and punched someone for insulting the Queen.” Snorer looked over the bar and calmly took another drink.

Yokov sighed, “All right. I deserved that dig. You are right, but I cannot help it.” The blond man took another drink and glanced at Snorer out of the corner of his eye, “Where did you learn to be so scary though? I have never heard you like that.”

Snorer shrugged, not meeting Yokov’s glance but still looking straight ahead, “It just happened. I don’t know where it came from but it seemed like the thing to say and the way to say it.”

Yokov was about to question his companion a bit more but he was interrupted by the barmaid, “Sir? Agent Dell?”

“Yes?” Yokov looked at the pretty girl who suddenly commanded his attention and grinned at her admiringly. “What can I do for you?”

The barmaid blushed and cleared her throat, “Sir, uhm, Lord Jeesel would like to speak to you.”

Yokov continued smiling at the young woman, “And who is this Lord Jeesel that would like to have a word?”

“He’s the one in charge of Sun Eye. He has a private room in the back.” She motioned in the direction, “He heard you are from the King and was hoping you would come speak to him. I’ll take you to him.”

Yokov nodded, “All right. We will come speak to Lord Jeesel then.” He picked up his stein and nudged Snorer who was staring off into space like he was contemplating the meaning of the universe. “Snorer, we need to go speak to someone. You should come along and guard my back, right?” Yokov smirked at him.

Snorer looked over at Yokov like he’d been startled out of thought but then nodded, “Oh, yes, of course.” He smiled and got up, also taking his own stein. “Lead the way, Master.”

The two men followed the barmaid to the back of the tavern. The patrons all made room for them, many of them eyeing Snorer with suspicion, like they expected him to attack at any moment if they so much as looked at Yokov the wrong way. The barmaid opened a door that was very well hidden in the wall and gestured for the two men to enter. The room was small but did not feel claustrophobic in any way, even with Snorer’s huge form inside. There was a table big enough for a dozen people, but there was only one person at the head of it. Seated in a richly upholstered tall chair was a thin, tall man with slate grey hair pulled neatly back in a tail. He had a neat but thin goatee and was dressed in velvets and furs. Yokov’s first thought was that the man must have been quite cold since he even was wearing well fitted but thick velvet black gloves. The man stood up and smiled in a diplomatic way at Yokov after giving a glance at Snorer, “Agent Yokov Dell. A pleasure to meet you. I would have sent someone to fetch you sooner but I was unaware that someone from His High Majesty would come to visit our small town.” He nodded, “Please, both of you, have a seat so that we may speak and you can tell me what brings you to Sun Eye.”

Yokov pulled one of his introduction papers out of his satchel and handed it to Lord Jeesel. “I apologize for not coming to find you. His Majesty’s information on the towns is not very comprehensive, which is one of the reasons I was sent. He wishes to be aware of those in charge so that he can send future delegates to the proper people.” Yokov bowed politely and sat down, motioning for Snorer to do the same.

“No, no, I should have sent someone to greet you when I heard that strangers had entered our town.” The man took the paper and looked it over closely then nodded with seeming satisfaction. “Yes, this is all very proper and authentic. I apologize again, Agent Dell, especially for the unfortunate incident out in the main room. There are many people here who are of the opinion that our monarchs aren’t any better than the previous ones.” He sighed. “Many times they are right.”

Yokov nodded, “Aye. But I can assure you that our new High King is a very good man who wants to make sure that all is well in this area. Can I assume that all is not well, given that most of your populous seems to be hiding indoors?” Yokov raised an eyebrow at the Lord.

Lord Jeesel frowned and leaned back in his chair, resting his chin on the backs of his clasped together thin hands. “That is something that I can’t answer very effectively. There are creatures out there that has everyone terrified.”

“Creatures, sir?” Yokov asked then looked over at Snorer who went from simply sitting to looking attentively at the Lord of Sun Eye.

“Aye. That’s the best I can do. There’s no better description that anyone can come up with. The reports range from a horse with ravening jaws to some sort of multi headed creature to a large deer with jaws in its neck.” The thin man sighed “Whatever it is has everyone completely spooked. Nothing has been killed or destroyed but the sightings have been often enough that people are terrified that something is going to happen soon. Most of the sightings happen with travelers.”

“Which is why no one has gone south to Fellfar.” Yokov nodded wisely. “I think we saw something last night but I was under the impression that it was simply a large horse from the tracks that I found.”

“Did you?” The Lord looked at Yokov with a certain amount of eagerness. “Agent Dell, if you could prove to people that this . . . thing . . . that they have been seeing is nothing but a stray horse I would be forever in your debt! With the people of this town so terrified very little has been getting done other than drinking.” He sighed. “The tavern is doing quite well, as you can see, but not much else is prospering.”

Yokov nodded. “We are headed up north to Gods’ Glass but if the problem is here perhaps we can discover more about it there. Have you heard anything from Gods’ Glass?” Yokov had his notebook out again and was making notes in earnest.

“No. Nothing from Gods’ Glass or Fellfar, nor have we been to either place in a while. No one is bold enough to head out after one of our trading expeditions disappeared heading toward Fellfar.”

“Disappeared?” Yokov noted this down then looked up at the Lord.

“Yes. No sign or indication that they got to where they needed to get to. Nothing. Did you see any sign?”

“I saw some old cart tracks but nothing other than that. What were they carrying?”
“We trade Fellfar our grains and vegetables for their wool and their rugs, it works quite well, normally.”

“Grains and vegetables?” Yokov looked over at Snorer. “Not exactly the type of thing normal bandits would take.”

“No, it isn’t. We don’t use money for trade of that sort, it’s all goods.” The Lord sighed. “I had been hoping to get one of those nice wool cloaks, as I get older the cold gets to me more and more.” He smiled ruefully. “If you could solve this issue, Sun Eye would be completely in yours and the High King’s eternal debt.”

“We promise to do our very best, Lord Jeesel. Now, is there a place that myself and my companion can stay for the night? It has been a very long day.”

“Oh! Most certainly. Excuse my lack of courtesy.” Lord Jeesel pulled a rope next to his chair and a gong rang out. A few seconds later a man entered through another well-hidden door just behind the Lord and bowed deeply. “Arbeck, could you show these gentlemen to the Closed Eye?”

The man bowed again toward Yokov and Snorer, “Of course, milord. Sirs? If you would follow me?”

Yokov stood up and bowed to Lord Jeesel, “Thank you, milord. I hope we will have the opportunity to speak again before we depart tomorrow?”

“Yes. I will have someone fetch you in the morning after breakfast and we can talk some more then.” The Lord nodded. “Go ahead and leave your steins, I’ll have them brought back into the main part of the tavern for you.”

“Thank you again, Lord Jeesel.” Yokov bowed once more as Snorer followed suit and the two of them followed the fellow named Arbeck out of the room, Snorer having to bend a bit to fit properly through the rather small opening.

Arbeck led the two of them through narrow hallways that were obviously secret passages until they finally exited out into the town behind some bushes. Snorer sighed with relief as he was finally able to straighten out and stretch his neck and back. Yokov chuckled and then started walking next to their guide. “So, Arbeck, can you answer a question for me?”

“Sir? I can give it my best go, sir.” Arbeck nodded as he directed them to a section of the town they had not been to before.

“Why is this place called Sun Eye?” Yokov looked around curiously. He’d been trying to sort it out since they arrived and he hadn’t seen anything that would represent Oraedion’s day eye other than most of the places had something to do with eyes in name.

Arbeck laughed, “Ah, that’s an easy question, sir.” He stopped and pointed toward the center of town. “See that spike of rock?”

“Aye. What of it?” Yokov had noticed it previously but he had just assumed it was a lookout tower.

“See the eye shaped part in the top? They say that Oraedion himself put it there so he could keep an eye on the desert, even at night. There’s a gold bit right in the center that you can see if you look closely and twice a day the sun is centered inside it from certain sections of town.” Arbeck nodded.

“Interesting. I was not aware that Oraedion had left any such thing around.” Yokov looked at it curiously. “How does the gold stay there and not get stolen?”

“There’s no way up. The spike is completely smooth but with sharp ridges. People have tried to scale it but no one has succeeded. If you use rope the sharp ridges cut the rope easily after a few shifts. There’s nothing to grab onto either. Many people have died trying, most of them strangers who only see the gold as something worth taking.” Arbeck shrugged. “It’s not worth the attempt. Personally I like the idea that Oraedion is keeping an eye on us.”

“Hmmm. You would think more people would be feeling less afraid of the strange creatures if they believed that Oraedion was watching over them.” Yokov stroked the small bit of hair on his chin thoughtfully.

Arbeck stopped and looked at Yokov with a stunned expression, like this hadn’t occurred to him, “You’re right. They should. But they don’t.” The man looked up at the spike and its golden eye, “There’s something about the creatures that sends people into a panic.”

“Magic perhaps?” Yokov looked over at Snorer who was looking up at the spike thoughtfully, “I have heard of such things, spells that make people afraid without reason.” He took out his notebook and made another note so he wouldn’t forget this observation. Perhaps Her Majesty or the Princess Sorceress would be able to assist if there was a spell involved.

“That makes a bit of sense, but how would beasts know magic?” Arbeck looked at Yokov curiously, like he hadn’t expected the blond man to be so observant and was re-evaluating his assumptions.

“Could be creatures made by magic or not creatures at all. People have reported seeing very different things according to Lord Jeesel, illusions can do that. Perhaps it is a spell that makes already existing fears seem real?” Yokov finished taking notes and looked at Arbeck. “If it is magic I do not have the ability to help at the moment but I will try to get His Majesty to send someone to help with it when I return and give him my report.” Yokov cocked his head, “For now I and my companion would like to get some rest.”

“Oh . . . yes . . . of course, I apologize for delaying you.” Arbeck quickly took them to the Inn that Lord Jeesel had suggested.
Third part . . . with bar fight (sort of :giggle:)

XD Excuse all bad grammar and weird wording . . . just writing on the fly XD If you spot anything really horrid, let me know and I'll make note of it and change it when it's all over Nod

Previous - NaNoWriMo 2015 - Yokov and Snorer Part 2The travel for the first day was long but uneventful. Most of the time they simply rode and looked at the scenery. Yokov was in no real hurry so they stopped often to rest and to care for the horses in places that looked pleasant. The road wasn’t as well tended as most of the ones near the new King’s Capital, and even less well tended than the ones that were around the former Capital of Gaetan, but it was still wide enough for Yokov and Snorer to ride next to each other. Yokov explained to Snorer that this area didn’t hold a lot of interest to Gaetan in the past since there weren’t any goods and not many people. Their current King was more interested because it was closer to his own Capital and he felt a responsibility to keep what was near him in good order, at least that’s what Yokov understood.
The desert stretched off to the east of them and was visible from the road. It wasn’t a gradual shift but an abrupt change from forest to rock and then dee

Next - NaNoWriMo 2015 - Yokov and Snorer Part 4The Closed Eye was a large building with a sign that indeed had a sleepy closed eye on it. Arbeck guided them inside and made sure that the innkeeper gave them his best room. Soon Yokov and Snorer were lounging comfortably in their new room with a good meal and a comfortable fire burning.
“Snorer? Are you doing all right? You have been very quiet.” Yokov looked over at the tall man lounging on one of the beds. It was a single room with two beds but it was a good size and there were comfortable chairs and a big table for the food. Yokov had already started eating to try and deal with the buzz he’d gotten from the ale earlier.
“I haven’t had anything to say, Master. This is a strange place and it makes me feel uncomfortable. The sooner we leave the better I’ll feel about it.” Snorer shrugged and stretched. “I especially don’t like the secretive way Lord Jeesel is. It doesn’t make me trust him. I prefer Mayor Whitestone.”

Yokov and Snorer belong to me! :icondragondoodle: aka :icongirl-n-herhorse:
NaNoWriMo - Yokov and Snorer by dragondoodle
© 2015 - 2024 dragondoodle
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Captain-Savvy's avatar
Awesome. Snorer is so lovable... to innocent and sweet one minute and ready to rip someone's guts out the next for threatening Yokov XD And I love his hair :3

I also love the growing mystery. It was hard to slow down and just read at a normal pace because I want to know what's going on XD What the beasts are... Snorer's past...  what's going on in God's Glass... so much suspense! *flails*

Another awesomely written chapter :)